Water Department

Current water rates and how to pay are below.

Call City Hall with any questions or issues.

Click on the image or button below to make your payment.

Mandatory Water Notice:
Please make sure to read the water and chlorine notice. Our fluoride levels are a little high, therefore, we should take some precautions. The City is doing its best to contain these levels.
Please Read these Public Announcement:
The Water Maintenance Personnel would like to ask everybody to please do not flush needles, tampons or wet wipes, disposable wipes down the toilet. They are causing problems to the Sewer Pumps and the repairs to correct the problem may cause the city water bills to go up.
For more information, our current quarterly newsletter is available.

City of Ropesville

City Hall: (806) 562-3531

Water Department: 806-893-3851

City Hall

107 Hockley Main St,
Ropesville, TX 79358

8am - 5pm Monday - Friday